Most of the group is in this shot.

Garlic Mustard Pull 2013 – Troop Serves Community

Henry’s mom, Deborah Hulihan, organized the Garlic Mustard Pull this year. Despite the threatening weather, seven scouts showed up to weed this invasive pest, plus three adults.  The scouts were Ben L, Ben P, Chris, Henry, Liam, Nate and Sam.  The adults were Ian Clark, Jennie Gundy, and Lincoln’s Conservation Ranger, Jane Layton.  Mike Maddox showed up at the end with pizza, and John Solman arrived in time to eat with us.

This year we covered the trails and woods behind Blue Heron Farm, a fairly extensive patch.  There was a bit of PI to be avoided, as well as ticks, but being scouts we came prepared.  Happily, the rain held off for the three hours we worked.

See the photos here.