July 4th 2013 was a bright, sunny day with temps in the 90’s.  Nevertheless, while the majority of scouts were setting up the Scout Cafe, Chris, Enzo and Ben marched in their Class A’s carrying the Troop Flag and the Stars & Stripes.  After the parade these three joined the rest of the troop to grill and serve burgers and dogs, sodas and chips.  Veggie-burgers and lemonade were provided for our healthier-minded customers.

We were delighted that several scouts that had aged-out of the troop returned to help or visit.  Among these were Jack, Matt, Spike and Zach H.  Zach E was also on board, and – as usual – worked extremely hard.  Eagle Scouts Mike Ullman and Alex Atkins showed up to say hi and let us know they’ve graduated college, are back in the area, and hope to join us on some of our outings.

Much thanks to Mark Elliott for taking charge of our Scout Cafe venture, and to Ian for pitching in as his assistant.  We’re also grateful to all the other adults who lent a hand where they could, and who cheered us by simply attending.

For photos go to